Monday, January 19, 2009

Starting Over

music: Twenty Two Fourteen - by The Album Leaf

someone else's life

I walk through the day like a ghost through someone else's life. Nothing feels the same anymore. Minutes pass.. hours slowly go by. I feel lost... alone... empty.

I'm afraid I don't have the words to reach you anymore... perhaps I never really did.

letter to me... from me

Sometimes i wish i had the strength to say these words out loud - today I am too tired for reaching yet I long to be reached.

To the caring part of me,

Please, let me come hide under your wing a while... protect me.. hold me close and don't let the world hurt me again. Tell me I'm deserving of love... tell me it's going to get better.. tell me I'm better off this way. Promise me that time will heal everything, my friend. Tell me there is reason for all of this.. all these things in life that I cannot understand. Remind me that it won't hurt forever... it is just this day... this moment. Please, my friend, tell me that this, too, shall pass.

Love, the vulnerable part of me that longs to be cared for

Sunday, January 18, 2009

the never-ending day

I sit here... caught in between two worlds

one that i know i must leave behind
and the other that isn't yet real

all i have is this moment right now.
to be... just to be.

so here i sit
alone... in silence
waiting... reflecting... trying to figure out what comes next.

i sit and wait patiently for this long day to end
because only then can the next one begin.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

This is my time... where all the potential in the world exists for me. This is the time for diving deep. This is a time for living my truth... it is a time for creation and reflection. This is a time for following my passion... for going wherever it leads. This is a time for living fully. When I look in my mirror, all of this is reflected back at me. There is a deep wisdom and a connection that inspires me to keep going.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Wisdom Inside

Sometimes it is art that reminds us of the truths that we already know. On this night, I posed a question.. I actually wrote it down on the canvas.. and I let it answer for me.

"What, then, is the answer?" I threw the question out to the universe - what is next for me - where will I go and what is behind the door this time? What is the answer.. what is it that I want? And as I painted, I thought about all of this. And I found the answer.. cut out of an old magazine long ago.. one day when I knew. It says: "You've got it inside." It is that simple.

All the answers to all my questions are already inside... if only I listen.


This one came next... how perfecty fitting.