Saturday, December 13, 2008

Soul Card

There are some people who just come into your life and they touch a part that is so deep that you know without doubt that you were meant to meet. A connection that reaches the depths of some unknown place.. calling you home. I am fortunate to have experienced this feeling many times in my life, and I am most fortunate to feel it right now. I have recently had my life blessed with a mentor and she is the one who introduced me to soul cards.

This was the card I made after a visualization about becoming an art therapist, in thinking about what my life and my practice would be like in five years.

I am the one who believes I can help make the world a better place.
I am the one who is willing to follow my passion, wherever it might lead.
I am the one who gains strength by my connection with others.
I am the one who cares so deeply.

I am the one who finds beauty in everything.
I am the one who feels with my heart.

I am the one who will take many journeys.
I am the one who will stand in my truth.

I am the one who is vulnerable and strong;
I am the one who belongs.

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