Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"The world needs all its flowers, just as they are, and even though they bloom for only the briefest of moments, which we call a lifetime. It is our job to find out, one by one and collectively what kind of flowers we are, and to share our unique beauty with the world in the precious time that we have, and to leave the children and grandchildren a legacy of wisdom and compassion embodied in the way we live..." [Jon Kabat-Zinn -from Coming to Our Senses]

I am still trying to figure out what kind of flower I am. Perhaps I will take a lifetime to figure it out.

I am actively working to decide what I want to do with my brief time in this world. I wonder so often about the things that I choose to do with my life. How can I make a difference? What is it I'm meant to do? How do I live a life that is consistent with my own personal values? Is it possible to follow my passion yet still make enough money to survive? I know that my purpose is to give back in some way... I know I belong in a helping profession of some kind. I have always known this... my mission in life.. yet I couldn't make sense of what to do with it. Now I think I am finally on the right track.

I have always been drawn to creativity, yet for a long time this wasn't something I incorporated into my work. My journey has taken me so many places so far. Out of high school, I spent many years working in a veterinary clinic.. this helped shape who I am today. It (and the people and animals I worked with) taught me many valuable things about caring, compassion and love. I learned what it felt like to be part of a team doing something good in the world. Although there came a time when I had to leave, in order to spread my wings and see the world, I will always carry a part of that time with me. Since then I have worked at a fishing lodge on a remote island. More recently, I have worked in marketing and graphic design for two architectural firms. I have also started a few of my own businesses. At one time I got into artist (musician) management. Recently I started Dreaming Tree Paper Company, a company where I make and sell writing journals.

Looking back now, I feel like every experience I have had has helped to lead me to where I am now. And I know that this is only the start.

I have travelled around the world and continue to travel as often as I can. I like experiencing new places and meeting new people. I am a watcher and a listener... I love to learn about individuals... hearing their stories.. getting a glimpse into their lives.

As I said, I have always been drawn to creativity. I have carried a camera with me everywhere since 1993, and I try to capture as much as I can of each of my experiences. I have always journaled to express my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes this helps me to work through things and other times I want an opportunity to share them with you. I have more recently dabbled in pottery, sculpture, collage, painting, and soapstone. I am intrigued by everything creative... I see beauty in everything. But it took a long time before I knew how creativity could come into my work in a way that was meaningful and would also give back to the world in some way.

My early schooling was in Agriculture and then Science. I never finished my undergraduate degree because after two years, I realized that it didn't really fit with who I was. I wasn't honouring so many parts of myself in that training... especially my creative side. I also took a Management Diploma through continuing education. Although this seemed to fit with my entrepreneurial side, it still didn't do much for my creativity that was dying to have a voice in my life.

That is when I first heard about art therapy.

I was on a trip to Toronto, helping a friend move when I heard about the profession of art therapy. Right away it resonated with me and seemed like the perfect fit. For a long time I had been interested in psychology and had been on my own healing journey for many years. I had always been that friend that people come to when they need somone to talk to.. when they need someone to listen. And I have been told so many times in my life that I should become a counsellor. The idea of using art as a medium for engaging in therapy really seemed to make sense. That's when I moved to Toronto and pursued my schooling at TATI.

There I met some amazing people. I was inspired by ideas, classes, teachers and supervisors. I was exposed to new ways of thinking and looking at the world. Sometime in there, I was introduced to narrative therapy.. I think it was only a few hours of learning and a couple articles.. but it was again enough for me to know that it fit. Once again it resonated with my own way of being in the world.. the idea of respectful practice, where clients are the experts of their own lives. The idea that we live in a world made up of stories about ourselves... and looking at therapy this way also intrigued me. I took some more classes last summer and as I did my interest grew. Then came the opportunity to join the an International Narrative Therapy training program through the Dulwich Centre in Adelaide. Somehow, even when obstacles of life were in my way, I found a way to do it. And that is where I am today... still involved in this one year program in Australia (although I'm back at home in Toronto now)... inspired and full of ideas.

All the possibilities in the world are there before me. All I have to do is find my path and keep walking it. I am looking forward to this year... new friendships and collaborations. New adventures. Life is so full of potential.

As I said.. I am still trying to figure out what flower I am. But I am determined and I will be blooming soon!

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