Sunday, April 8, 2007


"Home is where they understand you"

I understand the idea that home is a place within ourselves... that we can take home with us wherever we go. The idea that home is in the love of our friends.. in the love of ourselves. and no matter where we journey in the world... we can always look within ourselves to go home. I also understand that in a spiritual journey... going home can be something so much more profound.

There are so many concepts of home. I will share with you my favorite bit of writing about "home". It is the introduction to a book called "Finding your Way Home" by Melody Beattie. This has stuck with me a lot of years... I go back and read it again and again.

We want to go home.

It's an itching, a longing, a yearning, a desire bordering on urgency - almost a cosmic movement.

We want to find our purpose, our right place, the right people to live and work with, the right work to do. We want to do more than discover why we're here; we want to be doing and living what we came here to do with the people we came here to do it with. We want to come into alignment with our highest good and destiny.

We want to discover and live our soul's purpose.

We want to bring out and use all the parts of us we've kept denied and tucked away. We don't want to hear anything more about what we can't do. We want to know what we can do, and then we
want to do it well. We want to stop exploiting, and start exploring our gifts and talents, bringing them to the world.

And we want to enjoy doing it. We want to have fun. We'd like to make a little money, too. Maybe a lot. It's not that money is the most important thing. We don't want to be bought or sold. Selling our souls is what we want to stop doing. But we want enough. And maybe a little extra at the end of the month. We don't want to worry about money anymore.

We'd like to feel good, do our art, be of service, be with people we love, people of like mind, maybe experience some joy, bliss, and euphoria, too. We want to be a part of a team of high-minded soul mates on a similar mission at work; we want a few friends who are truly friends - belong to a tribe of kindred souls; and we want more than a relationship - we want a passionate love relationship with our twin flame soul mate.

Or we want to be happy and comfortable being alone.

We're tired of feeling afraid and confused. We'd like to take some risks, but we'd like to feel safe, too. Protected. We want to live in a way that feels natural and right to us.

We want to be who we are, to be all that our souls came here to be.

We're tired of straitjackets, limitations, and selling our souls for money or security. We want to bust loose - set our souls free, be in the right place at the right time, fulfill our mission, dance with destiny, and watch the universe unfold at our feet.

We want enough drama and excitement to keep life interesting, but we want an abiding sense of peace underlying it all.

Karma and gravity have kept us bound and gagged long enough. We want to return to our spiritual roots. We want to learn to fly.

We want heaven - right here on earth.
We want to go home.

There is another idea of home... the simpler one. This is the home I wanted to write about tonight.

"Home is the place where it feels right to walk around without your shoes"

The home I am talking about my cocoon... my apartment. I am talking about the place I hang my coat at the end of the day... the place where I can just be. The place where I can sit on my couch and read or write or type on this laptop... where my cats are waiting for me when I come in the door. It is the place where I feel inspired. This apartment I live in feels very much like me. It isn't perfect... but it is perfect for me. :)

I have been spending a lot of time at home these days. Home in every sense of that word. Being away for a few days last week reminded me how much I love being at home. I have been spending a lot of time with myself lately... learning once again to appreciate my time alone. In fact, I have recently begun to crave it. But I also value the time I spend with my friends. It is the balance that is the key.

For me... home means this place that I am living. Home also means this time in my life right now... that I seem to have found a comfort in myself that had been lacking for a while. A happiness in existence. A joy in living and loving. Home is the feeling I have in my heart these days.. a fullness. A completeness. I don't even know if I can begin to explain it all. It just feels as though things in my world are aligning... coincidences are happening all the time and they help me to know that I am on the right path. And there is a peace I feel inside... in myself... in my friends.... the feeling of coming home. The knowing that at this moment in my life, things are exactly as they are meant to be.

"There is nothing half so pleasant as coming home again"

Love julie

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