Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I had such a moving experience tonight... i'm sure one that will stay with me forever.

I won't go into all the details cause it is 1:30am.. I am tired, and also I don't think this is the place for the details. But I will tell you this...

I went for a bike ride tonight... just felt like i needed to get out of my house and get some fresh air... think a little while. so many changes coming on these days.. i needed some time just to breathe and think. i didn't have a destination in mind really. after riding a bit though, i felt myself drawn to the park on wellington crescent. i rode through there a bit to a place down by the river where there are a couple trees that have fallen over. i parked my bike, took off my helmut, sat a while and just looked out at the river.

it wasn't long before a man and his two golden retrievers came by. the dogs were running in and out of the water... running and playing. the man asked if i minded if he shared the space with me.... on the other tree. i said sure.

soon he began talking. slowly at first... cautiously. obviously not used to opening up to a total stranger in a park. and i found out he had a really bad day... in fact he had been pretty down for a few months. i won't go into details about this.. but if you are interested i will tell the story in person.

he asked what brought me to this park on this night... if this was somewhere i always came to gather my thoughts. i said no... that it was in fact my first time there in years. i told him that perhaps it was him who brought me there. there was no doubt to me that i was meant to be there - in that exact place at that exact time. and he agreed... that god had been looking after him... bringing me into the park at that exact time. he said he could tell that i was a good person.

we talked for over an hour... about all kinds of things. he opened up to me. told me of his sadness and struggle. and i could not do anything for him but listen. but, it seemed that is what he needed tonight. he left feeling better he said. i hope our talk stays with him... beyond tonight. somehow, i think it will.

it was strange because on the weekend i found this book called "A book of Angels". i had heard about it for years... and found it at random in a used book store. and i read a bit of it this weekend.

sitting there with this man tonight, i kept thinking about this one part i had read:

"It is said that angels come as thoughts, as visions, as dreams, as animals, as the light on the water or in clouds and rainbows, and as people too. Are they walking on this earth as people in disguise? Or is it really us, mere humans, who for a moment are picked up by the hand of God and made to speak unwittingly the words another needs to hear, or to hold out a lifeline to another soul?"

and i realize how true it is.. that the moment we need someone most, they will be there. also... i believe that the more i listen to my intuition, the more often i can be in the right place at the right time.

i have no doubt the universe aligned tonight to bring me to that park, where this man needed someone to talk to. someone who would not judge him. someone who would not be afraid of him. someone that wouldn't think he was crazy. someone that could offer him a few words of encouragement and a hug. today, that someone was me. and i am thankful for that... so very thankful.

we just never know when we might be needed... when we might be called. all of us are angels inside... all of us...

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