Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Who says you can't go camping in April?

Okay… I promised a few people I would write a blog about my camping experience. :)

Originally I had hoped to go out to riding mountain, but then a friend reminded me on Friday that there is still 3 feet of snow out there. Oh yeah… I had forgotten about snow… now that it is all gone in Winnipeg. Amazing how quickly we forget. Anyway.. after a little research, I realized that no matter where I went, the campsites wouldn't be open yet, and it would be cold. So, I decided to head out to the Whiteshell, where there are many lakes and many many places to camp, in the hopes that I could find at least one.

I headed out on Saturday shortly after noon (I had an appointment in the morning). I over-packed, as I usually do. It seems there is so much to bring, whether you're going camping for a day or a week. And, knowing it would be cold, I was cautious and brought lots of extra clothes, boots, sleeping bags, etc.

I took highway 44 out past Beausejour. Then I decided to head north on highway 11 to 307, heading into North Whiteshell… past Seven Sisters Falls. I had never driven that way before. It was beautiful… the winding road.. even at this time of year. As I drove I felt a part of me let go… my shoulders dropped… my breathing slowed. I was on the road and so happy.

I passed so many lakes and so many campsites. I stopped to check out a few… Nutimik, Betula… I can't even remember the names of them all. Just that I drove into the camp grounds and quickly realized that there was way too much snow to stay. That, and there were locked gates and slushy roads… not even accessible at this time of year. But I kept on driving. I finally ended up at Big Whiteshell Lake (South Shore) – the campground there was perfect. Nicely secluded… mostly covered in snow.. enough that nobody else would think to come. But… perfect for me and my Jeep. And I found a couple camp sites side by side that had almost no snow… even a little sunshine.
The drive home on Sunday, I took the yellow road… I always like to come and go different ways. Besides… I wanted to visit one of my favorite abandoned places on the way home.

Anyway.. once I got there, I decided to get set up first before heading off to explore. Work before play. I took out the tent (that I borrowed from my friend Dhara – thank you again) and put it up quickly and easily. Then there was the air mattress. Wow… what a great huge air mattress… and I had borrowed a foot pump too. But I didn't realize how long it would take to fill that thing… about AN HOUR later…. my legs totally buff from the workout, I finally filled it!! For a while there I almost gave up… but I knew it would all be worth it when the night came. (of course, it was)

After the tent was up and the air mattress filled, sleeping bags unpacked, etc, I wanted to head out on my bike. All I could think about all day was getting on my bike and going out for the first ride of the year. Of course, there was still a lot of snow, so I knew I wouldn't get very far… but I went anyway. I rode down to the dock – a huge dock that looks out to the expanse of the lake. And I should mention.. there is no 'lake' at this time of year… only a never-ending frozen landscape. The ice hasn't melted yet.. we're probably a month away from that yet… so it looked like winter out there… but the warmth of the sun on my face made it feel strangely of summer. Such a strange contrast.

Anyway… a little exploring along the shore… the other campsites… some photos. Then I headed back to the campsite to build a fire… to make some dinner. One of my favorite things about camping is cooking… I always eat better out there than I do at home. And I had prepared a bunch of food ahead of time, so I was excited for the meal. I had a nice dinner of steak, yams with onions and corn. With that a cup of yerba mate. I read my book for a while… I wrote in my journal for a while. It seemed the time passed quickly. Before long it was dark… too dark to read or write. Too dark for anything but just to sit by the fire. Staring into the fire… thinking.. talking aloud to myself. (you can do those kinds of things when you are camping alone… and nobody will think you're crazy). ;) I sat there for a couple hours…. tending the fire. Taking turns looking down at it and then up at the magnificent sky of stars. I was overwhelmed by the beauty. And overwhelmed by the silence. It has been a long time since I have experienced anything like that. No sound of traffic… no sounds of people. No other campers. Not even any birds or insects. Just silence.

I cannot tell you all about the experience of those few hours… sitting by the fire alone… the smell and the sound of the crackling…. the little bit of light in the darkness. The warmth in the cold night. It was an experience I do not think I could really do justice to with words… just that I was overflowing… in love with everything. Myself... the trees… the campfire… the stars. Everything about the day had been perfect… and those few hours were the best of all.

"I found God in myself and I loved her fiercely" – Ntosake Shange

In the daytime it had been warm… at one point I was walking around in a long sleeve shirt and I was warm. But as the sun set and the light faded, I knew I would be in for a cold night. I kept adding layer after layer… pulling the table up closer to the fire. When I eventually let the fire go out and crawled into the tent I realized why most people don't go camping in April. It was bloody cold!! I slept with many layers… two pairs of socks.. two pairs of pants… two tank tops, a long sleeve shirt, a sweater and a fleece… my scarf, toque and mittens. And I had two sleeping bags and my giant duvet. All of that and I was not warm. I was not freezing cold either… but was glad that it was not any colder.

I woke early on Sunday to the sound of the crows (6:30am). They were up and impatient for me to get out of my tent. I welcomed them as I would an old friend. They reminded me of so many mornings at the lake as a child. There was comfort in them. I was happy to be up and making a fire again… to make some coffee in my new percolator. Such a rewarding treat after a night in the cold… a warm cup of coffee. I watched as the sun rose… the sky a beautiful shade of orange. And I was so thankful for the beauty around me. Once I had the fire started, wrote my morning pages and poured myself a coffee, I set out for a walk with my camera and my book. I found a place where the rocks lined the shore.. and I walked there a while. I was again amazed by the warmth of the morning sun. I sat on those rocks a while reading from my book… and then just sitting there, staring out into the frozen lake. Another moment of such calm and peace. I could have stayed there all day I thought. Eventually I made my way back to the campsite for breakfast. I was excited about my omlette and vegan sausage and another cup of coffee. The morning passed quickly again… leisurely. I went for another walk… sat in the sun a while. Even had a nap in the sun. eventually I began to pack up… taking down the tent… letting the air out of the air mattress and preparing for the journey home.

I always like to take a different highway when I am traveling. If possible, I don't like to take the same way twice. On the way home I went back on Highway 44, past one of my favorite abandoned houses. I allowed lots of time for the drive because I like to stop and explore. And I did stop… veering off occasionally down roads that looked interesting. Stopping at my favorite place where I visit again and again…to do some macro photography… to enjoy the sun a little more. I detoured… went through Lockport and down Henderson Highway… the scenic way home. Trying to delay coming back home as long as possible.

Don't get me wrong.. I love my home. I was just so enjoying the road and the running away. But I am back now. Grateful for the day that I had…. grateful for the smell of campfire that still lingers on my clothes… grateful for the memories. And already looking forward to the next adventure.

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